Mango Protein Smoothie

Spring is in the air. I’m craving lighter and fruitier foods. This morning, I made a mango smoothie that is delish.

Here is the recipe:


2 ice cubes                                          
1 cup coconut water
1/4 banana
1 small Alphonse mango (these are thin yellow ones)
1/4 cup Greek yogurt (I recommend Organic Meadow 2%)

When this is completely blended, add:

1/2 scoop unflavoured or vanilla whey protein powder (I only recommend cross flow micro-filtrated whey isolates)
1 tb ground ivory chia seeds (optional – for fibre and Omega 3 essential fats)

Blend the protein and fibre for only five seconds or just enough to preserve the integrity of the protein.

For vegans or those wanting to avoid dairy, I use a cultured coconut cream that has only a few ingredients and is unflavoured (my recommendations is Yoso) and any preferred vegan protein powder. I would then add 3/4 cup of the protein powder because you’re not getting the protein that is in the Greek yogurt.

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